“Okiem dziecka”
Album “Okiem dziecka” by Marta Torebko consists of 17 soundtracks.
In songs, the author comes back to her childhood. She tries to observe the world – through the eyes of a child. When singing her compositions, she imitates the voice of a child, telling the stories about Teofil – the Dragon, Dolphin, Ladybug, as well as important events such as the Valentine’s Day or birthdays.
The CD is available for sale since 18th of December 2012.
Music, lyrics and vocal are written by Marta Torebko.
All songs are arranged by Sebastian Stieler
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Sebastian Stieler
Sebastian Stieler is a composer of soundtracks, producer, arranger, bassist, singer. Referred to as ‘the second Preisner’. His recent compositions are soundtracks to nature films depicting the beauty of polish landscapes (e.g. Puszcza Knyszyńska, Ludzie z Bagien, directed by Piotr Sadziński), as well as Yesterday, written for a jazz saxophonist Yolanda Brown (performed by The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra w HMV Apollo in London conducted by Robert Ziegler).